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The Nuzlocke Games


Pokémon Trainer
I am starting a Nuzlocke for FireRed, titled "The Nuzlocke Games." It is named after the inspiration from The Hunger Games novels. For anyone interested in reading a darker, more emotional Nuzlocke tale, be sure to read as I put out new chapters. As a side note, I started the Nuzlocke yesterday, and a couple of people jokingly wanted Pokemon named after them. Right now I have Strawmander the Charmender and Bird CJ the Pidgey. If anyone else is interested in having some Pokemon named after them, just reply in the comments. I will post a list of Pokemon without "names" at the bottom of the post, so if you want one named after you, just reply (just don't get upset if you don't make it :p)

I am going to write this in my spare time (I work full time), so I will try and keep regular updates, but there may be times when it takes a little longer. I currently have 3 pages drafted, and they should show up soon as the next post. Please provide feedback on how you think I am doing. I am a writer at heart, and would love some feedback (Keep in mind I'm a little sensitive though ;)).

Without further ado, the rules and the list of Pokemon available for naming:

Nuzlocke Rules:
1. Only catch the first Pokemon you meet in each Route or Town.
a. If the first Pokemon you meet faints, there is no second chance.
b. If you have already caught the Pokemon you encounter twice, you may try two more times for a different Pokemon; The third Pokemon encountered can either be caught or defeated, but there are no other chances.
2. If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead: No exceptions.
3. No healing items of any kind can be used: no berries, no HP healing items, no PP restoring, no status healing. Healing can only be done at Pokemon centers.

Current Team:
Charmander: Strawmander
Pidgey: Bird CJ
Rattata: PokeFana
Rattata: Ratat
Pikachu: Danny

Pokemon Available for Naming:
None, but reserve your spot if you want. :)
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Pokémon Trainer
I am starting a Nuzlocke for FireRed, titled "The Nuzlocke Games." It is named after the inspiration from The Hunger Games novels. For anyone interested in reading a darker, more emotional Nuzlocke tale, be sure to read as I put out new chapters. As a side note, I started the Nuzlocke yesterday, and a couple of people jokingly wanted Pokemon named after them. Right now I have Strawmander the Charmender and Bird CJ the Pidgey. If anyone else is interested in having some Pokemon named after them, just reply in the comments. I will post a list of Pokemon without "names" at the bottom of the post, so if you want one named after you, just reply (just don't get upset if you don't make it :p)

I am going to write this in my spare time (I work full time), so I will try and keep regular updates, but there may be times when it takes a little longer. I currently have 3 pages drafted, and they should show up soon as the next post. Please provide feedback on how you think I am doing. I am a writer at heart, and would love some feedback (Keep in mind I'm a little sensitive though ;)).

Without further ado, the rules and the list of Pokemon available for naming:

Nuzlocke Rules:
1. Only catch the first Pokemon you meet in each Route or Town.
a. If the first Pokemon you meet faints, there is no second chance.
b. If you have already caught the Pokemon you encounter twice, you may try two more times for a different Pokemon; The third Pokemon encountered can either be caught or defeated, but there are no other chances.
2. If a Pokemon faints, it is considered dead: No exceptions.
3. No healing items of any kind can be used: no berries, no HP healing items, no PP restoring, no status healing. Healing can only be done at Pokemon centers.

Pokemon Available for Naming:
None, but reserve your spot if you want. :)
Hi I woul like to reserve a spot 4 the next pokemon you get


Pokémon Trainer
What's a nuzlocke ?
I'd like to reserve a spot too
The rules at the bottom of my first post describe it pretty well, but I will be more specific.
A Nuzlocke is when you start a Pokemon game with the intention of making it more difficult. It is made more difficult by limiting the number of Pokemon you can capture (one per route and only the first you encounter), and eliminating Pokemon if they faint. For example, I walk into Viridian Forest and want a Pikachu, however, the first thing that appears is a Weedle. In a nuzlocke, you have to capture the Weedle (no matter how much you despise Weedles), and you cannot catch any more Pokemon in Viridian Forest, no matter what. If, on the next encounter, I send out my new Weedle, and a wild Pikachu knocks out Weedle, that Weedle is considered dead and can never be used again in the game. You keep going through the game trying to keep your pokemon alive by never letting them faint.
As you can imagine, once you get further into the game, it gets pretty difficult to keep a full team of Pokemon. You can read some of the other nuzlockes on the forum to get a better idea of it.

Also, I am about to get to another route, so I will let you know what Pokemon I catch :)

Pengcub Origins

Pokémon Champion
The rules at the bottom of my first post describe it pretty well, but I will be more specific.
A Nuzlocke is when you start a Pokemon game with the intention of making it more difficult. It is made more difficult by limiting the number of Pokemon you can capture (one per route and only the first you encounter), and eliminating Pokemon if they faint. For example, I walk into Viridian Forest and want a Pikachu, however, the first thing that appears is a Weedle. In a nuzlocke, you have to capture the Weedle (no matter how much you despise Weedles), and you cannot catch any more Pokemon in Viridian Forest, no matter what. If, on the next encounter, I send out my new Weedle, and a wild Pikachu knocks out Weedle, that Weedle is considered dead and can never be used again in the game. You keep going through the game trying to keep your pokemon alive by never letting them faint.
As you can imagine, once you get further into the game, it gets pretty difficult to keep a full team of Pokemon. You can read some of the other nuzlockes on the forum to get a better idea of it.

Also, I am about to get to another route, so I will let you know what Pokemon I catch :)
Okay thanks for the info :)


Pokémon Trainer
Ok everyone, the Prologue is below, and Chapter 1 will follow. Sorry it took me so long. Hopefully it is worth the wait. Please understand that writing this is difficult, so please have patience with me. Let me know what you think in the comments.


Batman rolled over, his alarm sounding loudly on his nightstand. He knew his mom would be downstairs, waiting with breakfast. He could smell the oatmeal from his bed. He didn’t move; he lay there staring blankly at the wall and the blank television screen in the middle of his room. As he laid there, his mind wandered and he saw himself for a moment on the screen, walking hurriedly, his backpack rattling as he went. He rolled over to face the other wall. The longer he waited, the more emotion he felt welling in his chest. As he felt the tears coming, he rolled out of bed, and headed downstairs in his pajamas.

“You look tired.” His mother said quietly, trying to sound cheerful.

Batman didn’t look up as he went to his chair and sat down. The room was silent for a moment, so he looked up. His mother had her arms stretched wide, holding herself up on the countertop. He heard her take a deep breath before she turned around:

“Batman, I know this is hard, but you have to be strong here. You and I both know that any sign of weakness will have them turn on you. I know you can do this, I . . . “

Her voice cracked, she turned away for a moment before looking back.

“You had better hurry, you are required to be at Professor Oak’s office in 15 minutes.”

She turned to walk away, but paused.

“Batman, I love you.” She said, and she walked out.

Batman got up from the table and went back to his room. He went to his desk where his clothes were. He stared at the neat plastic they were wrapped in for a moment before pulling out a red cap, a red vest, a small backpack, and a belt for pokéballs. As he put them on, he mentally vented frustration out at his mother. By the time he was dressed, he had thoroughly bashed his mother’s show of emotion. He knew that seeing her like that would only make it harder for him when it was time to leave. He knew she spoke up because she loved him, but he couldn’t help feeling more emotional because of it.

He walked down the stairs, but his mother was not there anymore.

“She must have left for the gathering already,” he thought as he headed toward the door. As he got closer, he noticed that there was something hanging on the key ring on the center of the door. He got to the door and pulled the bag off of the hook. He loosened the strings keeping the bag shut and pulled the cloth open. Inside was a small picture and a note. Batman looked closely at the picture. Surprised, he looked closely at the figure holding him beside his mom. He had never seen a picture of his dad, and knew that it was wrong for her to have one. He opened the note, wondering if it explained the photo. In simple handwriting was a single sentence: “I am proud of you and I know he would be too.” His eyes filled with tears as he looked again at the picture. He threw his arms down at his side in frustration. He tried to stop crying but he struggled with it. His mother saved this for him. He knew it was an incredible gesture of love in time of pain, and it tore him apart. He tried to look at the photo again, but his tears obscured his vision. He put the photo in his backpack, trying to keep it away from the tears that were freely flowing from his eyes. He zipped up the bag and stood up. He could barely see through his eyes. He wiped them with his arm, trying to make sure that he didn’t get the tears on his clothes. He straightened up, sniffling a few times. Then he straightened his clothes and made sure that no one could see any tears on his clothing. He took a deep breath and walked out the door.

The sun didn’t hit his eyes as he walked outside, and it felt strange. He had never had a hat. He had dreamed of getting a green or an orange one when he was young, but he never imagined it had a purpose besides displaying rank. He walked around the house and headed toward Professor Oak’s lab. As he walked there were a few people falling in behind him, heading there as well. When he started to get close, the crowd thickened, or at least thickened as much as a town of 250 people could. Batman had never seen a crowd so large. The weight of his predicament started to hit him. The closer he got to the lab, the more his stomach started to rebel with every step.

“I am glad I didn’t eat breakfast,” he thought to himself. A pressure in his chest started as he moved through the crowd. His breath came in shorter, more aggressive bursts. He started to panic. He wanted to run through the crowd, in any direction as long as he could get free from them. It took every ounce of effort to keep himself from showing the panic he felt. The crowd started to part for him as he got close to the door of the lab. The space in front of him felt like a relief. The pressure in his chest remained, but the feeling had passed slightly. When he opened the door, the only thing he could feel was the heart racing through his body.
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Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 1: Rules of the Game

Professor Oak looked up as soon as he opened the door.

“Ah, Batman. We have been waiting for you. I was afraid I was going to have to drag you in here,” he said jokingly. Oak smiled and turned back to a young boy wearing a blue shirt and khaki pants. He looked a lot more professional than normal, but the arrogance in his face was the same:

“Hey, Batman, Get a good night’s rest?” Gary smirked.

“Of course,” Batman said, “I had to be ready for today.” Batman hoped the front was enough to ward off Gary’s prodding. Gary was always good at getting under his skin.

“Now that we have the formalities out of the way,” Professor Oak said, “Let’s get down to business. Beside me are three pokéballs; a unique Pokémon is in each one. Each Pokémon has unique strengths and weaknesses, potentially turning almost certain defeat into victory. You must chose wisely if you are to complete this journey. Remember, once you have chosen, you may not choose again: there is no way to go back on this decision. Gary, since you outrank Batman, you may choose first.”

Gary looked slyly at Batman then turned to Professor Oak,

“In the spirit of sportsmanship, I will let Batman choose first.”

Batman was taken by surprise. He had expected that Gary would try and choose first, leaving Batman with whichever Pokémon that Gary felt were the worse two of the three. Still suspicious, Batman went over and looked at the three pokéballs and the note that accompanied each one. He decided on Charmander, as he had always been partial to the Pokémon and the fire type. He grabbed the ball gently and slowly took a step back from the table.

“An excellent choice!” Professor Oak said, “I hope he serves you well.”

“I suppose it’s my turn,” Gary said, in mock sheepishness. He stepped up to the table, and with a smile toward Batman, picked up the pokéball containing Squirtle. Batman glared at Gary, now understanding Gary’s sudden act of kindness. Gary wanted to have Batman pick first so that he could choose the Pokémon that could easily beat his own.

“Another excellent choice!” Oak half-yelled out, “Now, both of you head into the back for your orientation. The Pokédexes are on the table by the door.”

Batman followed Gary through the door behind Professor Oak. As he passed, he saw Professor Oak’s smile turn down a little, making him look more stressed than joyful. Batman grabbed the Pokédex from the table and walked into the back room.

As he moved out from behind Gary to see more clearly, he saw numerous faces, both Pokémon and human, staring at him and Gary. The cameramen were clearly visible over the crowd near the back. As he walked toward the middle of the room, he was just able to see what the cameramen were using to stay above the crowd: Torterras. The Pokémon didn’t look much like a Torterra anymore, though. The shrub on his back had been trimmed down to be a stool for the cameraman and the tripod for the camera was mounted on his shell. Batman could not help but marvel at the strange Pokémon he had only ever seen on television. Before he could get a better look, the crowd pushed Batman forward. He stumbled for a few steps, then, after glancing back in loathing, he continued forward, after a few steps, the crowd parted enough for him to see his destination: a small stage with a small group of Pokémon rangers seated along the back and the leader of Kanto, “Giovanni,” was standing in front of a podium. As he reached the foot of the stage, he saw two small circles on the floor. One of the circles had his name on it. He silently moved onto his circle. As he stood there and waited, he glanced over at Gary, who, noticing he had turned, faced him with an arrogant smile. Batman faced forward as Giovanni started to speak.

“Countrymen, guests, champions, and players,” he began as he gestured briefly around the room,

“Today begins the 45th regional Nuzlocke Games. It is always a great joy to witness the games where it all began. It is magnificent to see that even the humblest of towns in the humblest of regions can perform its duty. Each year the location varies, but no location can ever be as serene or pastoral than Pallet Town.”

As his speech continued, the cameramen on their Torterras slowly moved in front of the stage and around he and Gary. As they passed, he noticed that all of the Torterras bore scars and marks, some fresh. As one passed directly in front of him, the camera focused clearly on his face, he quickly looked down. The wounds looked like they were made by some kind of stick. He quickly glanced back up, his emotions swirling back. He quickly stared back at the speaker, trying to keep his emotions in check. The camera was still passing by him, and he couldn’t afford a show of anger toward the way the Torterra was treated.

“Lastly, nothing can be more important than the rules in this game of valor and patriotism.” Giovanni said, as he looked down at Gary and Batman, “Rule number one, you may only catch the first Pokémon you encounter on a route or in a town, unless you already have two of that species. If you encounter a third of the same species as the first on the route or town, you have a total of two more attempts that may be used to find a different Pokémon. However, the third Pokémon you encounter will have to be the only Pokémon you can capture for that route. Rule two: Your Pokémon, once fainted is dead. To ensure this happens, each Pokémon you capture must be tagged with an implant that will make sure it is cleanly and quickly put to rest upon fainting. Also, once all of the Pokémon in your party faint, your implant will make sure you are put to rest along with them. Rule 3: If you are a member of a designated elite family, such as you, Gary, you and your Pokémon will not receive implants until you face the Pokémon champion. However, this advantage cannot be used too often, therefore, elite members may only challenge normal participants when deemed appropriate. You will be given a notification via your Pokedex once you are able to challenge a normal member, and will receive one a designated time after to ensure the same challenger or challengers are not repeatedly challenged.

Besides those few rules, you only need to remember that the first contender to defeat the Elite 4 will be Champion. There will be no champion to defeat for the first challenger to make it all of the way. This participant will have the advantage of facing the other challengers with a fully healed team, while their opponent’s team will begin with whatever damage the Elite 4 inflicted. Now, go forth: train and rejoice! For you are serving your town, region, and all of Pokedom with your honor, courage, and sacrifice.”

Giovanni stepped down to loud applause. Several cameras were focused on Giovanni, but the rest were focused completely on Batman and Gary. A door behind the stage opened, and Giovanni, as he passed them, ushered them toward the door with a short bow and a smile. Batman headed out the door in front of Gary. As he got through, he was told to stop by several officials. He halted where he stood, and watched as Gary walked past him.

“Enjoy!” he said, with a smirk and walked out the other end of the room. The room was flooded with light as Gary stepped outdoors. As the door closed, he could hear the mass of people start to ask Gary questions. Batman hated Gary’s arrogance in leaving, but didn’t miss the condescension. The officials came over after discussing for a moment and on took his Charmander, while the other asked him questions:

“You received your implant yesterday, correct?”

“Yes,” he responded quietly.

“You are aware of how it works?”

“Yes,” he said, a little agitated.

“Excellent. We will be able to monitor all of your vitals and hear what you can through that implant. Make sure you don’t cover the receiver at the back, as that is where the sound comes from. Also, if you are eliminated, the implant will transmit a signal giving your location. We will use the location to come and collect your body and the bodies of your Pokémon.” He paused, looking down at his clipboard. “Is all of that clear?”

“Yes,” Batman said one more time, trying to stay calm. He didn’t understand how they could treat this so lightly, as if they were asking him how the weather was.

The second official came over and handed Batman Charmander’s pokéball.

“Here you go,” he said, then gave him a pouch of 50 implants.

“Use these on each of the Pokémon you catch. Every time you go to a Pokémon Center to heal your Pokémon or put one in the PC, the machine will make sure there is an implant. If you have not placed an implant in one of your Pokémon, that Pokémon will be eliminated, “ the official also handed Batman a small syringe.

“Ok,” the first official said, “You are ready to begin. You may exit.”


Pokémon Trainer
Chapter 1: Rules of the Game

Professor Oak looked up as soon as he opened the door.

“Ah, Batman. We have been waiting for you. I was afraid I was going to have to drag you in here,” he said jokingly. Oak smiled and turned back to a young boy wearing a blue shirt and khaki pants. He looked a lot more professional than normal, but the arrogance in his face was the same:

“Hey, Batman, Get a good night’s rest?” Gary smirked.

“Of course,” Batman said, “I had to be ready for today.” Batman hoped the front was enough to ward off Gary’s prodding. Gary was always good at getting under his skin.

“Now that we have the formalities out of the way,” Professor Oak said, “Let’s get down to business. Beside me are three pokéballs; a unique Pokémon is in each one. Each Pokémon has unique strengths and weaknesses, potentially turning almost certain defeat into victory. You must chose wisely if you are to complete this journey. Remember, once you have chosen, you may not choose again: there is no way to go back on this decision. Gary, since you outrank Batman, you may choose first.”

Gary looked slyly at Batman then turned to Professor Oak,

“In the spirit of sportsmanship, I will let Batman choose first.”

Batman was taken by surprise. He had expected that Gary would try and choose first, leaving Batman with whichever Pokémon that Gary felt were the worse two of the three. Still suspicious, Batman went over and looked at the three pokéballs and the note that accompanied each one. He decided on Charmander, as he had always been partial to the Pokémon and the fire type. He grabbed the ball gently and slowly took a step back from the table.

“An excellent choice!” Professor Oak said, “I hope he serves you well.”

“I suppose it’s my turn,” Gary said, in mock sheepishness. He stepped up to the table, and with a smile toward Batman, picked up the pokéball containing Squirtle. Batman glared at Gary, now understanding Gary’s sudden act of kindness. Gary wanted to have Batman pick first so that he could choose the Pokémon that could easily beat his own.

“Another excellent choice!” Oak half-yelled out, “Now, both of you head into the back for your orientation. The Pokédexes are on the table by the door.”

Batman followed Gary through the door behind Professor Oak. As he passed, he saw Professor Oak’s smile turn down a little, making him look more stressed than joyful. Batman grabbed the Pokédex from the table and walked into the back room.

As he moved out from behind Gary to see more clearly, he saw numerous faces, both Pokémon and human, staring at him and Gary. The cameramen were clearly visible over the crowd near the back. As he walked toward the middle of the room, he was just able to see what the cameramen were using to stay above the crowd: Torterras. The Pokémon didn’t look much like a Torterra anymore, though. The shrub on his back had been trimmed down to be a stool for the cameraman and the tripod for the camera was mounted on his shell. Batman could not help but marvel at the strange Pokémon he had only ever seen on television. Before he could get a better look, the crowd pushed Batman forward. He stumbled for a few steps, then, after glancing back in loathing, he continued forward, after a few steps, the crowd parted enough for him to see his destination: a small stage with a small group of Pokémon rangers seated along the back and the leader of Kanto, “Giovanni,” was standing in front of a podium. As he reached the foot of the stage, he saw two small circles on the floor. One of the circles had his name on it. He silently moved onto his circle. As he stood there and waited, he glanced over at Gary, who, noticing he had turned, faced him with an arrogant smile. Batman faced forward as Giovanni started to speak.

“Countrymen, guests, champions, and players,” he began as he gestured briefly around the room,

“Today begins the 45th regional Nuzlocke Games. It is always a great joy to witness the games where it all began. It is magnificent to see that even the humblest of towns in the humblest of regions can perform its duty. Each year the location varies, but no location can ever be as serene or pastoral than Pallet Town.”

As his speech continued, the cameramen on their Torterras slowly moved in front of the stage and around he and Gary. As they passed, he noticed that all of the Torterras bore scars and marks, some fresh. As one passed directly in front of him, the camera focused clearly on his face, he quickly looked down. The wounds looked like they were made by some kind of stick. He quickly glanced back up, his emotions swirling back. He quickly stared back at the speaker, trying to keep his emotions in check. The camera was still passing by him, and he couldn’t afford a show of anger toward the way the Torterra was treated.

“Lastly, nothing can be more important than the rules in this game of valor and patriotism.” Giovanni said, as he looked down at Gary and Batman, “Rule number one, you may only catch the first Pokémon you encounter on a route or in a town, unless you already have two of that species. If you encounter a third of the same species as the first on the route or town, you have a total of two more attempts that may be used to find a different Pokémon. However, the third Pokémon you encounter will have to be the only Pokémon you can capture for that route. Rule two: Your Pokémon, once fainted is dead. To ensure this happens, each Pokémon you capture must be tagged with an implant that will make sure it is cleanly and quickly put to rest upon fainting. Also, once all of the Pokémon in your party faint, your implant will make sure you are put to rest along with them. Rule 3: If you are a member of a designated elite family, such as you, Gary, you and your Pokémon will not receive implants until you face the Pokémon champion. However, this advantage cannot be used too often, therefore, elite members may only challenge normal participants when deemed appropriate. You will be given a notification via your Pokedex once you are able to challenge a normal member, and will receive one a designated time after to ensure the same challenger or challengers are not repeatedly challenged.

Besides those few rules, you only need to remember that the first contender to defeat the Elite 4 will be Champion. There will be no champion to defeat for the first challenger to make it all of the way. This participant will have the advantage of facing the other challengers with a fully healed team, while their opponent’s team will begin with whatever damage the Elite 4 inflicted. Now, go forth: train and rejoice! For you are serving your town, region, and all of Pokedom with your honor, courage, and sacrifice.”

Giovanni stepped down to loud applause. Several cameras were focused on Giovanni, but the rest were focused completely on Batman and Gary. A door behind the stage opened, and Giovanni, as he passed them, ushered them toward the door with a short bow and a smile. Batman headed out the door in front of Gary. As he got through, he was told to stop by several officials. He halted where he stood, and watched as Gary walked past him.

“Enjoy!” he said, with a smirk and walked out the other end of the room. The room was flooded with light as Gary stepped outdoors. As the door closed, he could hear the mass of people start to ask Gary questions. Batman hated Gary’s arrogance in leaving, but didn’t miss the condescension. The officials came over after discussing for a moment and on took his Charmander, while the other asked him questions:

“You received your implant yesterday, correct?”

“Yes,” he responded quietly.

“You are aware of how it works?”

“Yes,” he said, a little agitated.

“Excellent. We will be able to monitor all of your vitals and hear what you can through that implant. Make sure you don’t cover the receiver at the back, as that is where the sound comes from. Also, if you are eliminated, the implant will transmit a signal giving your location. We will use the location to come and collect your body and the bodies of your Pokémon.” He paused, looking down at his clipboard. “Is all of that clear?”

“Yes,” Batman said one more time, trying to stay calm. He didn’t understand how they could treat this so lightly, as if they were asking him how the weather was.

The second official came over and handed Batman Charmander’s pokéball.

“Here you go,” he said, then gave him a pouch of 50 implants.

“Use these on each of the Pokémon you catch. Every time you go to a Pokémon Center to heal your Pokémon or put one in the PC, the machine will make sure there is an implant. If you have not placed an implant in one of your Pokémon, that Pokémon will be eliminated, “ the official also handed Batman a small syringe.

“Ok,” the first official said, “You are ready to begin. You may exit.”

Pengcub Origins

Pokémon Champion
@Pengcub Origins
I just caught a Female Rattata. What would you like to name it?

I just caught a male PIKACHU!!!! What would you like to name it? (sorry, I got excited. I thought I was going to catch a Weedle when I entered the forest).
Something like just me it ratat lol I know its kind of a stupid nickname though xp
And I suppose @DannySteeden said it should be his name as the nickname


Pokémon Trainer
Ok, everyone. I have some bad news. I was playing my way to Brock's Gym when I found out the game I bought was fake (I got it like a week ago). It started having troubles saving, so I went and bought a legit one (I had to do research to tell the distinct differences). I am currently on my way to catching Ratat and Danny. I have decided to keep my original Nuzlocke team and not officially start the Nuzlocke again until I have caught the same Pokemon (Pokefana took like 8 tries to get right, though :p). All of the Pokemon I have listed already will be caught, the only difference being the nature. Sorry this happened. I am still working on the next chapter, but I am also trying to catch up to where I was. I will get you guys another chapter soon, I promise.

Lastly, I have run out of people who want Pokemon named after them, so if someone else wants to volunteer, there is no waiting list :)

