Active Price Division Poll

What is your opinion regarding these possible price minimums on the site?

  • Sounds awesome! This will benefit the community.

  • I like the idea, but it could use some modifications.

  • I like the idea, but no one cares enough to get it implemented.

  • The system is too complicated- I am confused.

  • There are too many problems with this system.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Pokémon Champion
Trust me the problem was great and you used to ''spam'' too at some point for PC u had like 100+ posts in a week...
I just looked at how many posts I had and I completely understand how much it's under control now. You all have done such a good job with it. And I apologize for the spam. It's much easier to try not to now that I'm use to the site. But now for my last idea, one thing is that the problem that @WSawyer has is that breeding company's can't make as much, however there is a solution, if we make getting 2 Pokemon in. A breeding company 90pc not 2 Pokemon (buy one get one half off) will boost the breeding sales without the spammers and without lowering the min price.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I don't agree with this for many reasons.
  1. I don't think it will benefit the community. This will mean lots more editing, people "breeding" while in reality genning and just people trying to find ways to get round the system. 60pc as a flat minimum is a great idea imo.
  2. There will be people abusing this. How can you be sure people are breeding. I could quite easily make a batch of 4iv, 5iv chimchars in pkhex and then sell them off as "bred" just because they could be classed as acceptable bred pokemon. Dex Fillers and Pokerus Pokemon: How are we supposed to know they are less than 5iv's. I could quite easily say I'm buying a "Pokerus Pokemon" whereas in fact I'm buying a 6iv, BR Pokemon.
  3. UNDERCUTTING. This will pretty much put the majority of sellers who sell pokes for above 60pc out of business. You are literally opening the flood gates for a new load of undercutters into PP which will just ruin the economy even more.
In Conclusion, I believe that this is a terrible idea for the community in general and for the economy. I don't believe that this should ever be placed on the site as it would be like the site digging it's own grave.
Thanks for the input :)

1. I highly doubt people will bother genning dex fillers etc. to be sold at the 20PC price point, when they could be spending their time selling at 60PC. The whole point of this system is to benefit the non-genners. It shouldn't affect the genners at all.

2. It doesn't matter if they're really breeding or not. As long as the people selling customs for 60PC aren't affected by the price change, it doesn't matter. As far as the second argument goes, people on the site could currently lie and say they're "trading" at any time. Some things just can't be managed, you have to hope the members are at least somewhat honourable. To add to that, why would someone bother selling a BR Pokemon for 20PC when the rule is 60PC? They will just make less credits. And if they're hoping to establish a monopoly by doing that, they will quickly be caught by staff.

3. This will not affect anyone selling custom Pokemon. And tbh, anyone selling far above the 60PC min is already losing a ton of their business. This may actually give them something else to sell besides custom Pokemon, if they're too proud to lower their prices.


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
Thanks for the input :)

1. I highly doubt people will bother genning dex fillers etc. to be sold at the 20PC price point, when they could be spending their time selling at 60PC. The whole point of this system is to benefit the non-genners. It shouldn't affect the genners at all.

2. It doesn't matter if they're really breeding or not. As long as the people selling customs for 60PC aren't affected by the price change, it doesn't matter. As far as the second argument goes, people on the site could currently lie and say they're "trading" at any time. Some things just can't be managed, you have to hope the members are at least somewhat honourable. To add to that, why would someone bother selling a BR Pokemon for 20PC when the rule is 60PC? They will just make less credits. And if they're hoping to establish a monopoly by doing that, they will quickly be caught by staff.

3. This will not affect anyone selling custom Pokemon. And tbh, anyone selling far above the 60PC min is already losing a ton of their business. This may actually give them something else to sell besides custom Pokemon, if they're too proud to lower their prices.
I like the points you have made in the post but there are some things that I'm gonna point out.
  1. You have said "Breeding Discards" are 20pc. I could breed a batch of "4iv" pokes which are in reality 6iv's and then start selling them as breeding discards. People will come to me as I have lower prices and the word will spread. Yes the staff may catch on but then when they ask for an example of the pokes I could just trade them an actual 4iv poke. Also, when a seller is giving the buyers a lower price than usual, he will get more. I've seen this in principle and in practice in many fields. Also the may be some of the best on the internet that I've seen so far but they are still human. People will slip through the net and there is the problem. The small amount of people that do slip through the net will become quick favourites as they are lower then other people's prices by about 66%.
  2. The reason it will affect custom selling is because of the above reason. Yes there will be people who will go back to the same people time and time again but people want to save money and will therefore flock to people with lower prices. Yes it isn't legal but then some of the richest people in the world are criminals.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I like the points you have made in the post but there are some things that I'm gonna point out.
  1. You have said "Breeding Discards" are 20pc. I could breed a batch of "4iv" pokes which are in reality 6iv's and then start selling them as breeding discards. People will come to me as I have lower prices and the word will spread. Yes the staff may catch on but then when they ask for an example of the pokes I could just trade them an actual 4iv poke. Also, when a seller is giving the buyers a lower price than usual, he will get more. I've seen this in principle and in practice in many fields. Also the may be some of the best on the internet that I've seen so far but they are still human. People will slip through the net and there is the problem. The small amount of people that do slip through the net will become quick favourites as they are lower then other people's prices by about 66%.
  2. The reason it will affect custom selling is because of the above reason. Yes there will be people who will go back to the same people time and time again but people want to save money and will therefore flock to people with lower prices. Yes it isn't legal but then some of the richest people in the world are criminals.
Okay, so what you're referring to is a monopoly. If people do that, and the word spreads, it will also spread to the staff. I'm not sure how the staff would handle that situation, but I'm sure they wouldn't ask for an example (because the seller could do exactly what you mentioned). Perhaps they would ask people who have bought from the seller in the past etc. And tbh, trying to establish an illegal monopoly like you're suggesting would be too risky. It's not worth the few extra customers that the seller might receive, to risk being banned from the site.


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
Okay, so what you're referring to is a monopoly. If people do that, and the word spreads, it will also spread to the staff. I'm not sure how the staff would handle that situation, but I'm sure they wouldn't ask for an example (because the seller could do exactly what you mentioned). Perhaps they would ask people who have bought from the seller in the past etc. And tbh, trying to establish an illegal monopoly like you're suggesting would be too risky. It's not worth the few extra customers that the seller might receive, to risk being banned from the site.
Yes there will be people who get caught but still 1 or 2 will slip through and who is going to tell on someone (for want of a better word) that cuts the cost they have to pay by 66%. It's Human nature, The cheaper something is, The more people want to buy it.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
Yes there will be people who get caught but still 1 or 2 will slip through and who is going to tell on someone (for want of a better word) that cuts the cost they have to pay by 66%. It's Human nature, The cheaper something is, The more people want to buy it.
They might slip through for a while, but we have a great team of staff on this site. I can't imagine anyone getting away with that for very long. That's just my opinion :)


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
They might slip through for a while, but we have a great team of staff on this site. I can't imagine anyone getting away with that for very long. That's just my opinion :)
Yea. The staff here are great and tbh I only thing 1 or 2 will survive. Tbh I'm as unhappy with the economy as you are right now. I've even founded a union to help it.


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
I don't agree with this for many reasons.
  1. I don't think it will benefit the community. This will mean lots more editing, people "breeding" while in reality genning and just people trying to find ways to get round the system. 60pc as a flat minimum is a great idea imo.
  2. There will be people abusing this. How can you be sure people are breeding. I could quite easily make a batch of 4iv, 5iv chimchars in pkhex and then sell them off as "bred" just because they could be classed as acceptable bred pokemon. Dex Fillers and Pokerus Pokemon: How are we supposed to know they are less than 5iv's. I could quite easily say I'm buying a "Pokerus Pokemon" whereas in fact I'm buying a 6iv, BR Pokemon.
  3. UNDERCUTTING. This will pretty much put the majority of sellers who sell pokes for above 60pc out of business. You are literally opening the flood gates for a new load of undercutters into PP which will just ruin the economy even more.
In Conclusion, I believe that this is a terrible idea for the community in general and for the economy. I don't believe that this should ever be placed on the site as it would be like the site digging it's own grave.
1. Why would people specifically made spit-backs? Sure, it's a small issue but it's not like there's a massive market for spit-backs and the prices for them would be insanely low anyway.
2. This is the same thing as the first point
3. Uhh, no? The flat price for custom Pokemon is still 60PC - if people are actually going to undercut spitbacks and items then what has this site come to.

I like the points you have made in the post but there are some things that I'm gonna point out.
  1. You have said "Breeding Discards" are 20pc. I could breed a batch of "4iv" pokes which are in reality 6iv's and then start selling them as breeding discards. People will come to me as I have lower prices and the word will spread. Yes the staff may catch on but then when they ask for an example of the pokes I could just trade them an actual 4iv poke. Also, when a seller is giving the buyers a lower price than usual, he will get more. I've seen this in principle and in practice in many fields. Also the may be some of the best on the internet that I've seen so far but they are still human. People will slip through the net and there is the problem. The small amount of people that do slip through the net will become quick favourites as they are lower then other people's prices by about 66%.
  2. The reason it will affect custom selling is because of the above reason. Yes there will be people who will go back to the same people time and time again but people want to save money and will therefore flock to people with lower prices. Yes it isn't legal but then some of the richest people in the world are criminals.
1. If you think that the staff aren't going to ask for screenshots and IV checks of these bred Pokemon and just ask you instead then you're deluded.
2. No, it won't. They'd still pay 60PC for custom Pokemon, and these proposed changes say nothing about selling Pokerus Pokemon. They say things about edits, but that's perfectly fine - we allow that anyway. Even if people did just start taking spitbacks instead, even if they are 6IV, they still have to train them to Level 50/100, EV train, etc; even if they can just modify their save to do this.

Yes there will be people who get caught but still 1 or 2 will slip through and who is going to tell on someone (for want of a better word) that cuts the cost they have to pay by 66%. It's Human nature, The cheaper something is, The more people want to buy it.
1. You've gotta be kidding me. No one slips through the radar currently, and if people try to in secret, I get messages from those people exposing the seller. Changing the rules to 20PC/60PC splits and what not would do nothing about this.

Guys commenting - you're being a bit too unfair to @WSawyer in my mind. The changes he's proposing seem fine as long as they're regulated and we get to heavily review his proposals before we implement them (if we actually do).


King of the Ring
Staff member
I'm responding to both posts regarding this below.
I think its a great post. Well thought out. However i think it will complicate things quite a bit, and the potential gain isn't worth the confusion.

Trading is still allowed. If you feel the need to sell something below the minimum pc bar, you might as well give it away for free and ask for donations.

I don't think the idea needs to be scrapped however. I'll fully read through both post, and if needed i'll post a follow up when i get the chance.


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I'm responding to both posts regarding this below.
I think its a great post. Well thought out. However i think it will complicate things quite a bit, and the potential gain isn't worth the confusion.

Trading is still allowed. If you feel the need to sell something below the minimum pc bar, you might as well give it away for free and ask for donations.

I don't think the idea needs to be scrapped however. I'll fully read through both post, and if needed i'll post a follow up when i get the chance.

Thanks for taking the time to read it, I really appreciate it :)

Yes, you could trade and ask for donations, but the main point of this is to introduce a few things that non-genners and new players can sell to make PC and help them integrate into the market (and just so there's more to do on the site and more fun to have if you're in either of the above categories). If you haven't read it all, hopefully you will see some more opinions on this. If you believe it's still too complicated, it could also likely be even further simplified!


The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
I like the idea of pushing items to 20PC, they won't be sold as best as they potentially could be at 60PC it eliminates a small market IMO. I like the idea, anything more than two separate prices complicates thing but a 20/60 mix for items/pokemon is a nice idea and shouldn't be too confusing. Anyone who wants to undercut o cheat the system will do so regardless I think so implementing this shouldn't really have much negative feedback.

I think that new players who find this website trying to buy say an EXP Share, a masterball, a competitive item etc may find the entry fee of 60 too high to earn by actively posting while 20PC is withing reach and opens a gateway to get involvement without much spam since pokemon are still expensive, just my two cents.

