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Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Ghost gym - issue challenge here (Open)

This Gym, or information, is from an older season and is now Permanently closed.


Pokémon Champion
Hello, my name is Rae i am the Perfect Pokemon's Ghost type gym leader.
Feel free to challenge me by leaving a response below. Defeating me will earn you the
Ghost Badge

Wi-Fi battle challenges on SuMo are preferred but showdown will be accepted only in special circumstances i.e no access to a DS or SuMo. After officially challenging here I will reply and then attempt to IM you to arrange a time. If you are not available on the IM it is your responsibility to contact me.

In this GYM we play like all other gyms with the OU tier and no ubers except for the leader (myself) who is allowed 1 uber pokemon or uber item. Bringing any banned/not allowed pokemon/items into battle it will count as an instant loss.

Creating a mono type team is hard enough as it is so please try not to CT (counter team). If you do a CT will be placed next to your challenge win or lose. If I see 3 or more Super effective Stab typings on your team expect the CT..

If either party disconnects during the challenge it is and instant loss unless the disconnecting party is in a situation that is agreeable by both parties as a guaranteed win.

Upon losing at this gym you must wait 3 days before issuing a new challenge. If you wish to challenge for leadership of this gym upon losing it will be a minimum of 7 days before a new challenge can be issued. All leader ship challenges must take place through SuMo wifi battles. No Showdown battles at all. To challenge for leadership you must win a best 2 out of 3 matches using a monotype ghost team and no pokemon/item changes are allowed between matches.

So bring your best everyone and good luck!

Banned Pokemon: Greninja - Bringing this pokemon to my gym will count as an instant loss

The Risen:
Dace 08/04/2016
xxjubftwxx 08/04/2016
AdamC 08/04/2016 (CT)
Akaji 09/04/2016
Fady 09/04/2016
Keane Ste 17/04/2016
Marc 12/05/2016
WSawyer 18/05/2016
Patrick Daly 19/05/2016
Jarhead549 08/06/2016 (CT)
urban1ninja 01/07/2016
MrMcgee1311 15/07/2016

The Fallen:
Izzie 10/04/2016
AdamC 11/04/2016 (challenge to remove CT)
Izzie 14/05/2016
WSawyer 14/05/2016
DANKRAI 15/05/2016
Adam C 15/05/2016 (challenge to remove CT)
Uskeos 19/05/2016
Izzie 22/05/2016
Izzie 29/05/2016
Spyro2013 31/05/2016
Element Of Smash 08/06/2016
Izzie 08/06/2016
Izzie 24/06/2016
Izzie 30/06/2016
Izzie 04/07/2016
Izzie 07/07/2016
MrMcgee1311 12/07/2016 (Gym Challenge 2-1)

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Pokémon Champion
Hi, i would like to challenge you for the ghost badge. My FC is in my signature
challenge accepted!!

Battle unable to take place due to challenger not having a ready team on ORAS a new challenge will be made upon challenger being able to provide an ORAS team
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Pokémon Champion
@Izzie @Fady i accept both of your challenges. If you wish for ORAS WiFi battles it will need to wait till monday due to a major team rebuild. However i am still available to battle on showdown if you would like to challenge sooner

Agent Antz

Secret Agent Man
Hello, my name is Rae i am the Perfect Pokemon's Ghost type gym leader.
Feel free to challenge me by leaving a response below. Defeating me will earn you a Ghost badge.
Wi-Fi battle challenges on ORAS (not X/Y) are preferred but showdown will be accepted only in special circumstances. After officially challenging here I will reply and then PM you to set up a time to battle if time is missed I will not chase you up.

In this GYM we play like all other gyms with the OU tier and no ubers except for the leader (myself) who is allowed 1 uber pokemon or uber item. Bringing any banned/not allowed pokemon/items into battle it will count as an instant loss.

If you have 3 pokemon with Super effective typing or Super effective moves you will automatically get a CT (counter team) next to your name. You will still get the win/badge though.

If either party disconnects during the challenge it is and instant loss unless the disconnecting party is in a situation that is agreeable by both parties as a guaranteed win.

Upon losing at this gym you must wait 3 days before issuing a new challenge. If you wish to challenge for leadership of this gym upon losing it will be a minimum of 7 days before a new challenge can be issued. All leader ship challenges must take place through ORAS wifi battles. No Showdown battles at all. To challenge for leadership you must win a best 2 out of 3 matches using a monotype ghost team and no pokemon/item changes are allowed between matches.

So bring your best everyone and good luck!

Banned Pokemon: Greninja - Bringing this pokemon to my gym will count as an instant loss

The Risen
Dace 08/04/16
xxjubftwxx 08/04/16
AdamC 08/04/16 (CT)
Akaji 09/04/16
Fady 09/04/16
The Fallen:
Izzie 10/04/16

I challenge you for the Ghost Badge.
Wifi please....

IGN: Agent Antz

