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Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Electric Gym - Issue Challenges Here (Open!)

This Gym, or information, is from an older season and is now Permanently closed.


Youngster Joey


(While still under light construction with electric-puns, the Gym is operational!)

Greetings Challenger! My name is RektumLightning, and I'm the Perfect Pokemon's ELECTRIC-type gym leader.
Our battles will take place primarily on ORAS where you can feel the electricity in the air!
It may be possible to make accommodations for using Showdown!, but only under special circumstances discussed with me prior to the battle.

Feel free to bring your favorite team to the battle but make sure you're following the rules regarding the OU Format! We don't want to get hit with any stray sparks, so as long as you're mindful of the rules we can have a great time.

While we are an open Gym for challenges all over here, we do have one exception to that rule. As the rules for Gym-Leaders allow, I am allowed to ban one Pokemon from competing for the Electric badge. That Pokemon is EXCADRILL. Nothing personal.. he just tears up the floors and shorts out everything. We can't have that kind of nonsense going on in here.

If for whatever reason during the match the resistance is too much and you or I disconnect, the disconnecting party immediately is declared the loser of the match. It's unfortunate that a loss/win has to occur in this manner, but it's one of the rules we must abide by. Try to have a solid internet connection for the duration of our battle!

All challengers must wait 72 hours after a battle to re-challenge. A date can be scheduled for 3 days in advance, but the battle can not take place before that time has expired.

Lastly, while we do allow all other challengers, minus the buzzkill Excadrill, attempting to challenge the Gym with a Counter-Team based solely on type-advantage for the purpose of winning the badge is unsportsmanlike. You'll totally still get the badge if you win, but you'll earn a "CT" mark to show it was done with a Counter-Team.

Alright, with that out of the way we can have a great time! Feel free to ask anything below as well.

Feel free to issue a challenge for the badge below! I'll get to all Challengers as soon as possible!

Shout-out to my main-man, Lord Flexington. I owe all of my virtual success to this man. I once saw Barack Obama give him a thumbs-up after seeing him rip a phone-book in half with his bear-hands. Yes, BEAR-hands, as in the animal. True story.

Friend Code:
4313-4549-9427 (RektLight)

Nero112 - 8/23/2016
Doozie - 8/24/2016
Flexington - 8/28/2016

Last edited:


Youngster Joey
I appreciate the interest you guys! I am still finalizing a few things on my team. A few kinks here and there. But hopefully within the next few days I'll be up and ready to go! :]


Youngster Joey
I appreciate the interest you guys! I am still finalizing a few things on my team. A few kinks here and there. But hopefully within the next few days I'll be up and ready to go! :]
okay message me whenever you are ready I am up for the challenge


Youngster Joey
If your willing ill challenge you!
I understand if not since you are under construction

Ill challenge when you are ready.

Hey guys. I've finally got a large portion of a day where I'm free! For the next four hours (it's currently almost 2pm, my time. Eastern US.) I'll be available to take challenges.

Other than that, I'm free to make arrangements to schedule matches for tomorrow (Wednesday, the 24th.)

For Thursday & Friday (25th & 26th) I won't be available until later, around 9pm Eastern.

Saturday the 27th I'll be available anytime after 4pm! Sunday the 28th is also completely open for matches.

I have to schedule time between my college courses and work. :]

Anyways, just let me know!


Youngster Joey
hello i would like to challenge you for your badge when available!


Youngster Joey
Challenge from me to you for a badge of the electric variety plox.
Probably the best valentine I've ever received.
Accepted. But you already know this. Because this battle took place last night and I just didn't feel like getting up here to update it.

