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Permanently Closed (Previous Season) DARK GYM -ISSUE CHALLENGE HERE (NOW OPEN)

This Gym, or information, is from an older season and is now Permanently closed.


Youngster Joey
Team Elite
IMPORTANT: Please note i work monday through fridays from 6am until 5pm EASTERN time..

::As you step through the gym doors you instantly if your being watched.. The lights are off and the roof of the gym is open exposing the night sky. The star filled sky reflects off the tiles of the gym like glass and you notice that for some reason oddly in this location the moonlight is barely shining through leaving very limited look up and notice that the moon is oddly half eclipsed. "Is this some kind of illusion or is this really happening?" you think to yourself recounting your previous steps before entering the gym noting that the night sky was clear and moon was in full vision before entering. Paranoia increases and your chest tightens as you see a shadow of a man start moving in the distance walking towards you::

"This is no trick, This is my domain...names Ravana..PerfectPokemon current Dark type gym leader incase you havent noticed....I assume you didnt come here in the middle of the night to chat" the male figure said calmly as he steps partially into a sliver of moonlight shining down from the starry night sky. My gym rules are not too picky about challengers and their desires.. all i ask is you dont use that wretched fairy CLEFABLE in this battle..i also understand the common fear normal people have of darkness but i ask that you do not abuse any attempt to illuminate the shadows..simply fight through your fear (please dont abuse typing or use more than 3 super effective attacks spread throughout your team I.E. if all your pokemon have something that hits dark types super effectively dont be lame and use them on more than 3 of your pokemon) Lastly..only the most common used pokemon may be used since you are a challenger..I however, may or may not have a trick up my sleeve for you but ive solidified my spot amongst the void and it has its perks...after all i never said getting this badge would be easy, did i?"

Your heightened sense of paranoia gets worse as you see a spot behind the moonlit trainer become darker..almost void time and space seem to warp inside the void you see a single blue eye peering at you and move behind the trainers shoulder as the moonlight reveals a dark floating creature with seemingly white hair, a single blue eye and a red collar. You start hearing whispers and look around quickly trying to see in the darkness where they are coming from in the darkness enveloped columns to no avail.

The man grins as he watches you panic and continues in a slightly amused tone "Fear not only likes to watch...this will all be over soon..if you can manage to get the sentence out..i just need you to say the words 'I challenge you for your badge' we can start...."

You manage to utter the words required and the man steps forward fully illuminated by a pillar of moonlight that seems to have appeared out of nowhere as the man continues to grin. "Well then...lets get started shall we?" The man draws a green and black pokeball from his belt and suddenly the whispers grow louder but still the words are you retrieve your pokeball from your belt loop moonlight shines on you like a spotlight and the white haired blue-eyed void laughs menacingly while all too suddenly you hear a terrifying bellow throughout the gym that rattles your insides and causes you to instantly become nauseated and weak. As your vision blurs a MASSIVE draconian looking creature launches itself from behind the gym leader into the cool night sky gazing sinisterly on the battlefield with piercing blue glowing eyes. You throw your pokeball hoping to get the battle over as fast as possible..

SIDE NOTE IN ALL SERIOUSNESS: please only use Perfectpokemon's OU tier and below for items and pokemon selections when making your team to challenge me. Using a banned pokemon will result in an instant loss and you will be blacklisted permanently and unable to rechallenge me for 72 hours and will remain blacklisted until you battle me without the pokemon in your team.

FC: 1435-8337-6902 IGN: Ravana

Life time gym record: 5w/1L

The Illuminated:
Less overcame the darkness (8/27/16)

The Consumed:
RektumLightning was consumed by the darkness (8/24/16)
Doozie was consumed by the darkness (8/24/16)
Pokemaster829 was consumed by the darkness (8/26/16)
CaptainOlimar was consumed by the darkness (8/26/16)
BlackMoon25 was consumed by the darkness (9/2/16)

Sent to the Void (blacklisted):
Zootxaz (8/27/16)

"for those of you interested who actually read the dialogue if you want it to feel more immersive you can listen to the youtube link for the bellowing roar haha sorry im a drama queen"


Credits for the awesome picture go to member LESS.. thanks again for the awesome picture!
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Youngster Joey
Team Elite
Unfortunately your valiant efforts to crumble my companions went in vain!..i apologize for the loss..maybe your lucario will find its innerfire again and be up for a battle in 3 days ^_^ but for now to the darkness you fall.


Youngster Joey
Team Elite
Slurp I want ur shiny badgey


Youngster Joey
Team Elite
I am proud to admit my first legitimate defeat..congratulations @Less you have bested me and played your team extremely well. Good battle friend!


Pokémon Champion
just a quick note bud you need to change your gym description where you say : (please dont abuse typing or use more than 3 super effective attacks spread throughout your team I.E. if all your pokemon have something that hits dark types super effectively dont be lame and use them on more than 3 of your pokemon)

Challengers can put fairy type moves on every pokemon if they wish that is completely fine and not a counter team. It is only 3 or more super effective stab type pokemon that count towards the counter team eg bringing sylveon volcorona and hitmonlee would be a counter team but bringing dazzling gleam on every poke is perfectly fine :)


Youngster Joey
I would like to challenge you for a badge sir. May your forces of darkness protect you from my teams wrath! :Sneaky:


Youngster Joey
it was a good battle and fought through fear and thats all that mattered..ill see you again in 3 days ^_^
I could have Bisharp could have rng'd through it with 1 HP for me! why rng so cruel. =(
but good game sir I had fun!

