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Current and Upcoming Pokemon Events (07/06/15)

Current and Upcoming Pokemon Events (07/06/15)

By Zac1297
Japanese Events

Pokemon Lab Kanto Starters Distribution


A serial code will be distributed between July 8 and Oct. 12 for the Kanto starters. In order to do so, Pokemon fans must reportedly complete a mission at the event matching Pokemon with their silhouettes and footprints. Success at the mission will give you the code

Pokémon Center Hiroshima Distribution


A new Pokemon Center has opened up in Hiroshima. It's Mascot is shiny Gyarados that will be distributed June 26th to August 31st to celebrate the grand opening of the store.

Magikarp will also be distributed. The official Pokemon website hints that the Magikarp may be shiny, so it’s possible there’s a higher chance of getting a shiny one than usual. The website mentions that the purpose of the distribution is to spread Magikarp on the GTS and to Wonder Trade them to spread them around the world.

Pokémon Archjinni of the Rings Hoopa Prebooking Distribution


These Pokémon are obtained by prebooking your tickets to the movie, and taking the tickets to stores such as the Pokémon Center, Toys 'R' Us and 7-11 in order to download one of the six Pokémon. They can be obtained from June 20th to August 31st

All around the World

Pokémon National Championships Sejun Park's Pachirisu


This year at the Pokémon Video Game National Championships, you can get a Pachirisu.

Dragonite and the Korean Manaphy aren't here but click on there names to go to the information about there event. Hoopa is coming out on July 18. You want to know more about that event go here or click on it's name.​

