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Active Bringing Back the Perfect Pokemon Podcast

Would you be interested in a PP Podcast

  • No, seems like a waste of site resources.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but I didn't like the old format.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Rare Breed
Let It Reign
So I know this idea has been tried a couple of times with inconsistent results, but I believe that during the build up hype phase for Pokemon Sun and Moon that the Perfect Pokemon Podcast would be a fun way to interact with the news, rumors and just general excitement that the games are generating. I don't know if the old cast is available or if @Matt_192 is willing to continue to host it, but we may be able to get some of the newer members of the site involved as well.

I can go into details for anyone if there is interest in this kind of thing, but I just wanted to kind of get that idea out there and in the public view. Thank you for time. :D


Youngster Joey
I don't know too much about the old one. But a new one sounds interesting and you definitely bring up a good point. It does sound like good timing for the new games coming out.


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor

After my exam period (finishes 6/17 - I've got a few leavers things to attend after that but not much) I'm completely free to begin hosting again if we can get up a decent cast :). Now that I have my new mic and a way of recording my DS as well, we should be able to get much higher quality streams, and we could probably try out the BR system live on stream.

@ericashes @Martin @Gold 2.0 @Miles8088 @cj-97 (and OP ofc) (don't murder me plox if I forgot someone ;-; ) would any of you be interested in doing this again? (Hopefully we can do some testing beforehand so a) we don't have so many people on at the same time and b) everyone can finally stop interrupting each other - rip).

But it doesn't just have to be these guys! If any of you want to be a part of the podcast at some point, just hit me or @notsoclutch up in an IM!

With Sun and Moon just around the corner, IMO we should go back to doing a biweekly sort of thing with a large news segment in the show. This would probably cover rumours, actual releases and any other things - we did used to have a news segment but it was rather shoddily done and was just general stuff. If we were gonna do this Sun and Moon coverage then I'd have to get the layout done a bit better but I can work on that.

(Yo if anyone could make us an intro, that'd be dope af - I'm not counting on this though lmao. Would pay but consult me first)



Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
I am a HUGE fan of this idea :D Now that I'm actually into the whole scene of competitive battling and the like, it'd be super cool, and I won't force you down into typing wars :p


Pokémon Champion
so uh before I vote, since I seem to have been living under a rock. What is a podcast.... like what will happen etc?
A podcast is supposed to be a live audio stream that people can listen into/download later, but we tend to add video to ours and stream it on Twitch (technically it should be called the Perfect Pokemon Stream, but Podcast kinda stuck due to the easy acronym of PPP).

We used to do them semi-regularly (they're still up on the YouTube channel I believe) but they petered out at some point. In the podcast we'd do a bunch of things, like:
  • Have showdown tournaments
  • Talk about current official Pokemon news
  • Talk about the site and any new features (if any) that are going to be added
  • Have competitive debates and discussions
  • Show off tiers, site features, etc
Now that I have a way of recording my DS, we're also hoping that this restart of the PPP will allow us to also do some in-game battles (yo, Free-For-Alls anyone?) and a bunch of other stuff!
ah ok sounds fun
Last edited:


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
so uh before I vote, since I seem to have been living under a rock. What is a podcast.... like what will happen etc?
A podcast is supposed to be a live audio stream that people can listen into/download later, but we tend to add video to ours and stream it on Twitch (technically it should be called the Perfect Pokemon Stream, but Podcast kinda stuck due to the easy acronym of PPP).

We used to do them semi-regularly (they're still up on the YouTube channel I believe) but they petered out at some point. In the podcast we'd do a bunch of things, like:
  • Have showdown tournaments
  • Talk about current official Pokemon news
  • Talk about the site and any new features (if any) that are going to be added
  • Have competitive debates and discussions
  • Show off tiers, site features, etc
Now that I have a way of recording my DS, we're also hoping that this restart of the PPP will allow us to also do some in-game battles (yo, Free-For-Alls anyone?) and a bunch of other stuff!

Gold 2.0

The Immortal Dragon Underdog with a Heart of Steel
Staff member
so uh before I vote, since I seem to have been living under a rock. What is a podcast.... like what will happen etc?

ah ok sounds fun
It's mostly us chilling and having fun with you guys tho :] it's interactive and everyone gets a part.

@Matt_192 I'd love to come back and do one sometime; though unfortunately I don't have wifi atm so no showdown 5 me :[ but I could still watch the chat and be a part in discussions



Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
It's mostly us chilling and having fun with you guys tho :] it's interactive and everyone gets a part.

@Matt_192 I'd love to come back and do one sometime; though unfortunately I don't have wifi atm so no showdown 5 me :[ but I could still watch the chat and be a part in discussions
Ahh I see rip :[ Always welcome to have you in the chat tho man :]


Pokémon Champion
Team Elite
I'd be very interested in this. I wouldn't mind helping out tbh.


I'm just kinda here
Ya why not. I'll have a bit more ime then, and any kind of speaking practice would be ideal for me lmao


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
So currently the cast is looking like @Matt_192 @notsoclutch @Martin @Gold 2.0 @ericashes @cj-97 at the very bare minimum (thanks to everyone else that put their name forward - you'll be considered :) ). As I'm sure we kinda worked out from last time, having 6 people on at the same time just won't work, so I'd say we'll need some kind of schedule: do we either have different people on at different points in the call or do we rotate the people on the podcast every 2 weeks?


I'm just kinda here
So currently the cast is looking like @Matt_192 @notsoclutch @Martin @Gold 2.0 @ericashes @cj-97 at the very bare minimum (thanks to everyone else that put their name forward - you'll be considered :) ). As I'm sure we kinda worked out from last time, having 6 people on at the same time just won't work, so I'd say we'll need some kind of schedule: do we either have different people on at different points in the call or do we rotate the people on the podcast every 2 weeks?
Well knowing me I'll just pop in and out when I feel like it/have the time, and my schedule is generally extremely unpredictable. As such I'm not really sure whether rotation of any kind is entirely practical, as I'm sure I'm not the only one with an unpredictable schedule. I think it is likely that we won't get 6 people in a call at once too regularly anyway, and we can just have systems to maintain order in the call such as maybe using the IM to mark out the order in which we each make points (i.e. we type "in" or something like that in the IM if we want to go next and that way we can talk on a first-come-first-served basis when multiple people reserve).


Rare Breed
Let It Reign
So currently the cast is looking like @Matt_192 @notsoclutch @Martin @Gold 2.0 @ericashes @cj-97 at the very bare minimum (thanks to everyone else that put their name forward - you'll be considered :) ). As I'm sure we kinda worked out from last time, having 6 people on at the same time just won't work, so I'd say we'll need some kind of schedule: do we either have different people on at different points in the call or do we rotate the people on the podcast every 2 weeks?
I know I won't be available every week to begin with, so there's that.

