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「LENHI」Custom Graphics (`・ω・´)


Youngster Joey
Hi there! My name is Len Hi and I'm a student illustrator. Since I have some artistic ability I am capable and am confident enough to open a service to create custom graphics that fit your personal needs! Since I usually do casual and general sorts of graphics I don't exactly have a "portfolio" to show you for banners but might as well show something, right lol? (some of these feature my old art so please ignore the low quality of them / will show off the first few requests... assuming I get them) :




Anyways, I usually do simple designs like these, but I am very much capable of going beyond that to give you a sleek as well as detailed graphic! Provide me with illustrations/a general idea I'll do my best to make it to your liking -- whether that may be overly complicated or simple. If you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it, but you are not allowed to use it for obvious reasons....

Lenhi's Graphic Menu:
  • Banners - 150 - 300 (MAX.) PCs (team banner, 3ds info banners, etc.)
  • Icons - 100 PCs
  • Will possibly make custom / unique trainer cards and more
  • I might also offer custom graphics with artwork made just and only for you! (by me of course)
If you want to request something that isn't on this list then please just send a message to me and we can talk about it.
tumblr / instagram / art blog

I currently have no set form soo just comment on the thread and then proceed to message me and we'll discuss details

NOTE: I reserve the right to refuse service
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Pokémon Trainer
Hey, is it possible for you to make me a trainer icon? I will pay 100 PC and give you a detailed description of what I want!

