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Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Bug Gym- Issue Challenge Here [Interim Gym]

This Gym, or information, is from an older season and is now Permanently closed.

Sara Crystal

Pokémon Trainer
Im :) Comming to plaza now then :)

Also Im not really experienced in battles :) I know a thing or two about breeding but didnt have many chances to use my mons to battle much yet :) Also the team is basically random from those I have :)


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
Yes, Genesect only had 1hp! You would've beat me if not for that and if you had Flash Fire Arcane. I guarantee you'll win next time! Looking forward to it!

Sara Crystal

Pokémon Trainer
Yes, Genesect only had 1hp! You would've beat me if not for that and if you had Flash Fire Arcane. I guarantee you'll win next time! Looking forward to it!

Haha yeah...that Genesect was soo olucky on your side! :D...and was fast too so I had to sacrifice my Ninetales :D Yeah shamefully I run Intimidate sets on my arcanines but this one didnt have extreme speed :) Im also looking forward to the next challenge :) Will have to change strategy and prob change some mons if not all :D To make it more interesting :) Anyways thanks for the battle :)

