Search results

  1. Miles8088

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Champion (Miles8088) - Issue Challenge Here

    Hey guys im PP's current champion :] Challenge below once you have conquered every gym or the elite 4 challenge :) Record: 0-0 Challengers: Winners: (Im currently adding to this thread as far as rules and everything like that but if you have a challenge this is where you should post :))
  2. Miles8088

    Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Elite Four (Miles8088) LC Leader-Issue Challenge Here [CLOSED]

    I am the Elite Four Member Miles8088! If you have received 8 or more badges, challenge me by leaving a comment down below. All of my battles will be done in the LC Tier , so please use the appropriate banlist here. If you win against me, another color will be added to your Elite Four badge...
  3. Miles8088

    PP Team Aqua vs Magma

    Hey guys! With the coming up of oras lots of ideas are being thrown around and @Chipman42 came up with this one. I wanted to help make it reality and started a thread. I was wondering what the interest in a one time tournament or ongoing feud between the pp members who buy sapphire and ruby. For...