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Regarding "random" bracketing for Official Tournaments


Pokémon Champion
Will Not Fall
My hopes are that this thread will add some needed legitimacy to the "random" brackets used for official site tournaments. Brackets are not random if they are changed to fit certain needs. People complaining, teams not being ready, and schedule conflicts are completely ridiculous reasons to continue to "randomize" the brackets until they fit any of the previously mentioned criteria. There needs to be stricter guidelines put in place to resolve this. In an ideal scenario, someone not participating would randomize the brackets, however I can see it being difficult to find someone reliable willing to perform the function that does not wish to participate in tourneys. I don't see this being an issue though, as my concern isn't really that I don't trust our current tournament administration, rather feel there is a lack of basic knowledge of ethical practice. With all the effort put in by everyone who helps to make these tournaments as legit, organized and official as possible; And all the effort participants put in to preparing and battling, it's a shame to diminish any of that due to something so simple.

My intent in this thread is not to criticize, everyone makes mistakes, but I would like a more official procedure documented regarding the challonge brackets. The bi-weekly site tournaments can be an attractor for newcomers, and probably one of the main reasons why I stuck around this site. Even though I lose every week, I still generally have a good experience with the tourneys overall. I would like further discourse in this thread to regard how the current procedure can be improved upon, rather than criticize or argue about why the brackets were changed after 5PM in any given tourney, which is something that should be done with very little exception. If progress can be made in this matter, much of the complaining regarding the randomness of the brackets that influences them to be changed should be eliminated. Any thoughts? @doulie @tournament @Dom
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The People's Champ
Staff member
Trusted Seller
Let It Reign
Iron Will
Yeah I don't think anyone would be against this, the only instances i can think of were LC though, nothing else comes to mind off the top of my head


Official Server Crasher
Staff member
Will Not Fall
Iron Will
Dex Contributor
Probably woulda helped if you tagged me rip

There was only a problem today because Miles complains to me every week about the RNG and I got sick of his constant complaining. Other than this week's tourney (if you can even call it a tournament - 2 matches, 3 skips and 4 active participants?) there has never been edited brackets like the ones you are suggesting.

I offered today to randomise on video, and this is probably something I will continue to do to stop people's complaints in future. The offer was declined so I continued as usual.

