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~PP Times~ Pikachu Cup (8/17/15)

~PP Times~ Pikachu Cup (8/17/15)

By Ary
~ PP Times ~
Pikachu Cup

Pikachu Cup:

Registrations are open now and will run until August 20th and starts on Friday August 21st.
Prizes yes we all love prizes...well if Pikachu places as the 1st,2nd or 3rd most used pokemon in the competition than a special Pikachu with the move endeavor! (Coplay Pikachu's don't count towards this). If placed 4th-12th place a light ball will be distributed. If Pikachu does not place in the top 12 pokemon used than 1,000 Pokemiles will be distributed instead.

CoroCoro Challenge:

Firstly this challenge is only for Japan. It'll be standard VGC rules with registration starting August 27 and battles starting September 25th. The top 332 players get an invite to a special CoroCoro Challenge competition in November and later entry into the annual Pokémon Dragon Challenge.


Tournament Winners:

Congrats to @Dom for winning the LC Official Tourney and congrats to the runner up @Matt_192

PBL Update:

A new thread was created to showcase weekly MVP's and week 1's MVP was the Staten Island Staraptors Mega Alteria!!! Nice job there coach @Dom ;)


This weeks Giveaway will be a KB BR Medicham 16hp/252atk/240speed 6IVs with HJK/Fake out/BP/Zen Headbutt. From yea that's right our very own amazing @Cheza

Instagram Highlights:


I'm pretty sure the left one was meant to be me :p


#Pikachu2OP #TourneyReady #Prepare2GetRektd #GameFace #LazyDays


Youngster Joey
one for medichan

