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Trade Completed A Destiny Knot


Pokémon Trainer
I'm willing to pay 20 PC for it, if someone has a spare Destiny knot please comment below.


Youngster Joey
I have a lot of destiny knot items and I will trade you one. I want you to put on the GTS a pokémon non-shiny and something that is rarely seen on the GTS(a lot when it comes to this pokémon)so I can find it. I would say Dewott or Flaffy which there aren't that many on the GTS. I want to find it but I think you should put Destiny Item so that I can trade you the item(I will even trade you a snubull shiny level 100 with the destiny knot just put snubull at level 91-100 of what you want and please put Destiny Item as a comment so I can trade you the item plus you can keep the shiny and no specific gender on snubull please). Can you let me know if that is a deal and what pokémon you can put on the GTS?


Pokémon Trainer
I have a lot of destiny knot items and I will trade you one. I want you to put on the GTS a pokémon non-shiny and something that is rarely seen on the GTS(a lot when it comes to this pokémon)so I can find it. I would say Dewott or Flaffy which there aren't that many on the GTS. I want to find it but I think you should put Destiny Item so that I can trade you the item(I will even trade you a snubull shiny level 100 with the destiny knot just put snubull at level 91-100 of what you want and please put Destiny Item as a comment so I can trade you the item plus you can keep the shiny and no specific gender on snubull please). Can you let me know if that is a deal and what pokémon you can put on the GTS?

I sent you a reply to your PM, so look at that please

