• IMPORTANT: The Buy/Sell forums are now for reference only; all shops are closed here. Please visit the new Marketplace for active buying and selling. Old sellers can access their previous shop links in these forums for setting up new shops in the Marketplace.

Search results

  1. Michael

    Open Starter Safaris?

    Logged in now if u want to unlock that third
  2. Michael

    Open Starter Safaris?

    I have ivysaur fc on sig
  3. Michael

    Active Selling cheap Battle maison items and also ev training pokemon.

    I'll take a set if all of the power items. Fc is 3110 - 5602 - 9316
  4. Michael

    Selling Shinys, Shiny Perfect ivs, and Perfect ivs

    Doing it now what's your fc
  5. Michael

    Selling Shinys, Shiny Perfect ivs, and Perfect ivs

    I'm interested in the perfect lucario
  6. Michael

    Active Who is your favorite pokemon to use and your favorite overall pokemon?

    It's all about the team for. No one pokemon.
  7. Michael

    Open Grass safari Lf friends

    Ivysaur tangela and maractus 3110-5602-9316