Recent content by Brock

  1. Brock

    LFG System for PerfectPokemon

    ill comment when I have some free time to figure my thoughts
  2. Brock

    Gym Challenge Season Rewards

    You there reading this...will you be the first entry into the PerfectPokemon Hall of Fame?! :Cool: :Eek:
  3. Brock

    First-Ever Shiny Hunting Guide From The Pokemon Company

    Yup that's what I believe (there limited like OP GX/EX cards), I read online that they have really useful and strong abilities that greninja card above is an example.
  4. Brock

    First-Ever Shiny Hunting Guide From The Pokemon Company

    In my opinion that may be separate and exclusive to the TCG only. Case being that it seems to be a classification for the cards only, since you can only have one pokemon that is radiant in your deck. The 'radiant' term is apart of the name of the card (like GX and EX). Pokemon uses the shiny...
  5. Brock

    i am seeing like in the general pokemon comunity that dont really know about showdown

    Yeah a beginners guide would be good. If you were to do it maybe in instalments or the first one being a quick to swallow aka shorter all-rounder version.
  6. Brock

    Hey I'm Junior

    What was your first pokemon game? If you started a bit over year ago, I'm interested to know if it would be from that time or an older game in the series
  7. Brock

    hi im axo

    Nice to meet you Axo, must've missed this thread when you made it. In any case, welcome!
  8. Brock


    Welcome @NauticalNadolle ! I use to be the bug type gym leader, lots of quirky and fun pokemon to use lol
  9. Brock

    Re-Learning Competitive Pokemon S/V Ranked Battles

    doulie for 2024 Pokemon World Champion! Great Tusk also has a sick design
  10. Brock

    First-Ever Shiny Hunting Guide From The Pokemon Company

    I believe they just called it alternatively colored pokemon or shining pokemon like in the tcg. Looks like they started using it officially with Pokemon Black and White.
  11. Brock

    First-Ever Shiny Hunting Guide From The Pokemon Company

    It's good to see pokemon recognizing shiny pokemon more publicly in media. Shiny Hunting is mainstream now, and a lot of people consider it post-game content. Fun fact: The 'Shiny Pokemon' term was fan-made and later picked up by pokemon officially.
  12. Brock

    Is Palworld Pushing Pokémon to Evolve

    Competition is healthy in any business especially for the consumers so I welcome it :Pompus:
  13. Brock

    Pokémon Legends Z-A is Officially Revealed!

    "Urban Redevelopment Plan" It could be set in the time right after the pokemon war (as mentioned in X and Y) and now they're redeveloping the city after the war destroyed it.
  14. Brock

    Pokemon Day Predictions!

    Pokemon surprises us once again Pokemon Legends Z-A, who would've thought :roflmao:
  15. Brock

    Pokemon Day Predictions!

    I second that explores of darkness/time/sky were awesome :Pompus: good ideas about how ranger can be remade I never thought of that