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Permanently Closed (Previous Season) Ice Gym - Issue Challenge Here! {Open}

This Gym, or information, is from an older season and is now Permanently closed.


Youngster Joey
Ayeee! I'm Doozie, the Chillest Gym leader out there. You might think you're pretty cool, but what's cooler than being cool? If you guessed "Ice-Cold", you're wrong. The right answer is being pretty cool with this gym badge.

So we aren't cool with a few things here in this frozen wonderland. First off, Infernape is not allowed to compete. If you have Infernape it'll be an automatic forfeit of the match and you can slide right back out the door you came in through, cool?

Secondly, disconnects are uncool. I know it, you know it, we all know it. In the unfortunate situation where a disconnect occurs, the person who slipped on the ice loses the match. No arguing; we're pretty chill here and it's not negotiable.

Thirdly, counter teams. Look, it's cool man. Like I said, we're chill. We don't mind melting from time to time, but if you come in here intentionally trying to burn down the place with a counter-team, I'm gonna' know it. You can still get the badge, but you'll earn a nice "CT" to go with it showing that it was won in that uncool way. That's not to say you can't use your standard team that just so happens to have a few Pokemon with advantages! That's totally cool!

DISCLAIMER: This gym badge is only obtainable in ORAS unless i approve a Pokemon Showdown challenge which will be ONLY on special occasion. All Gym challenges must be made with a Formal thread post. Only post a challenge when you have a team that is ready, i would prefer not to wait. If you are to lose, you must wait 72 hours for a rematch.

Welcome to the Ice-Age

/L - 11-4

Winners -
Bancu (8/18/2016)
Nero112 (8/23/2016)
RektumLightning (8/28/2016)
Flexington (9/1/2016)

Losers -
JU2T1C3 (8/6/2016)
WSawyer (8/6/2016)
Izzie (8/6/20/16)
Achimou (8/7/2/016)
WSawyer (8/9/2016) - Rematch
Izzie (8/11/2016) - Rematch
TASKFORCE (8/16/2016) - DQ
Izzie (8/17/2016) - Rematch 2

CliffyAxis (8/18/2016)
S1lentnarwhal (8/18/2016)
RektumLightning (8/24/2016)
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